The 1930's were a tough time. The depression was on full force and the clouds of war were gathering, but in Hollywood the sun was shining and everyone was glamorous. Here we find Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Bette Davis, Norma Shearer, Joan Crawford, Jean Harlow, Barbara Stanwyck, and Carole Lombard just to name a few. These magnificent women were the style leaders of the day and although most of the nation couldn't even afford food, everyone wanted to go

It was the biggest picture of the 1930's, Gone With the Wind, that made me want to become a fashion designer. There is a certain red dress that Scarlet wears to Ashley's Birthday party that has entranced me since I was a tiny child. I remember watching the movie over and over just to see the red dress. Scarlet O'Hara's red dress is what made me want to design beautiful clothing.